Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fireworks night snapshots

I meet a Barbadian. We're crossing the road, I'm saying that we need to let my friends know we're going to the bar first for a drink, before we head back to mine. 'Text them' he says, 'they won't mind buying a drink first - unless they're Jews'.

I'm not putting up with that. I poke him in the arm. Jokingly, but quite hard. 'I'm Jewish, so be careful what you say...' He says something wholy unconvincing about his best friend being Israeli...

Later we're in Marie's flat, all slaughtered on whisky and coke followed by mulled wine chasers. 'I don't like gay bars' says James 'or gay clubs - and I just recently realised that all my friends are girls - so how am I ever going to meet someone?'
I'm transported somewhat guiltily into a parallel universe where all the girls are saying 'all my friends are gay, when do I ever meet anyone straight?'

Fireworks night in Victoria Park


Annie said...

there is definitely something up with the weather too. Fireworks night always used to be freeeeeezing - don't you remember standing around when you were a kid, waiting for it all to start, with your feet, fingers and nose almost frozen and breathing out to see your breathe in the air? Last night I had to take off my coat, it was so warm...

Billy said...

It's a bit colder today, but it's hardly November weather.

LC said...

Yeah, I went to the display in Ravenscourt Park, and it was definitely unseasonably warm.

Tim F said...

You should have just asked him to list all those Barbadian Nobel Prize winners.

Anonymous said...

Annie - good for you for telling off the Barbadian. I had no idea he said that to you - you didn't tell me. However, I don't really blame you after all the whiskey I drank. I could have snapped and there might have been blood.

Arabella said...

I'm a shikse and would have felt impelled to hit him with my handbag, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Bah! I think I might have hit him too, as an act of Scottish solidarity. Do you ever have to put up with "hilarious" comedy accents? For some reason some of my in-laws still think this is acceptable. Believe me, after 23 years of acquaintence, the joke wears MIGHTY thin.

Sorry. I'm having a "chippy jock"

Annie said...

Marsha, luckily nobody can do a Jewish accent (including me) - the closest they can come is Oy Vey.