Thursday, November 08, 2007

How I narrowly avoided social shame & humiliation in the Tate

I am having a very special day - have been given funding to watch artists working with secondary school kids in the Tate. Have arisen at a luxurious 8.00 am and rode on the bus to the Millenium Bridge, enjoyed a coffee in the cafe and am just meeting up with the students and the artists when I suddenly become aware that my usual natural fragrance of rose petals is less, how shall we say, fragrant than usual. The jumper I picked up in a hurry this morning was not all freshly laundered! In short, it reeks. How could I have not noticed? I am not totally engaged in observing the artists at work, or the fabulous art works on the wall - I am anxiously edging away from people so they don't stand downwind of me. 'Eurrrgh... who was that smelly cow?' I imagine the secondary school students saying of me back at school (and didn't everyone have a smelly teacher you would dread leaning over you to look at your work? I have become that person!)

Brainwave! The shop must sell T-shirts. And it does. Louise Bourgeois t-shirts that say 'Art is a guaranty [sic] of sanity', David Shrigley t-shirts that say 'Your pizza has arrived', Guerilla Girls' 'The Advantage of Being A Woman Artist' t-shirts, t-shirts that say 'Arty' 'Keep It Surreal' and 'Tony Hart'. They all cost £25.00 and surely someone will notice that I have changed into a slogan. So I end up in a kid's t-shirt that costs £12.50. I had to turn it inside out though; it looks like this.


Anonymous said...

The t-shirt is lovely. As are you. (Time to compliment re. your not getting enough affirmation. Nor do you smell.)

rockmother said...

Oh no - I had that 'didn't take it out of the washing machine quick enough' jumper smell the other day but luckily I put it on and took it straight off again before I left the house! Top marks for getting into a childs size tshirt though. The project sounds really interesting. I'm sure no one noticed.

Anonymous said...

you really made me laugh - I am laughing out loud at work reading this. I can't believe you bought that tshirt - oh my god.

patroclus said...

Annie, I know you are very slender and petite, but how on earth are you fitting into a t-shirt for 5-6 year olds?

Annie said...

Thanks, BiB. You are lovely too.

RoMo, it is a fab project which I'll tell you about in long and boring detail when we meet.

Sar, I know. I don't know anyone who will want it either - even the kids in my class would scorn it.

Interesting you should ask that P, as I had a run in with a stroppy French shop assistant in the Tate shop:
Me: Does this t-shirt come in a large?
SFSA: *shrugs Gallicly* I don’t know. It’s not my section.
Me: Is there anyone who would know?
SFSA: *sighs* What do you want to know?
SFSA: Did you check?
Me: Yes.

(The medium size was plenty big enough, so either they’re meant for obese 5-6 year olds, or to be worn as night-dresses which come down to their feet like Wee Willie Winkie.)

rockmother said...

It could have been worse. It could have been this one!

How do you do highlighted links by the way Miss? I am such a retardgirl!

Annie said...

Put this code around it Romo (removing the spaces) and put in url where it says url and replacing TEXT with whatever you want the link to say...

< a href = " http : // URL "> TEXT < / a >

I only know this because other bloggers told me...

Anonymous said...

I have a very poor sense of smell and consequently live in fear of something like this happening (although how would I know?) I am also very impressed that you can fit into a child's t-shirt. I'm afraid I would rely on the shop selling children's pop-tents or those parachutes that nursery classes use.