Sunday, September 25, 2005

Favourite book covers

Until I save up enough pennies to buy this camera,and can post photos, here is one of my favourite book covers, to brighten up the place.


Wyndham said...

The thing is about JD Salinger is he's continued writing every day for nigh on 40 years - every day! Presumably, this being Salinger, he's refused to publish this stuff after his death. Can you imagine the treasure-trove of material he'll leave? By God, it'll be the greatest literary hoarde in hundreds of years.

They're nice cameras. Just got rid of my Ixus, but it wasn't a digital one.

Annie said...

There is something very strange about a writer with no readers though - who is he writing for? I used to work at a publishers and it was my job to sift through the mountains of unsolicited stuff we got sent every day - every one thought they were a genius and that it was their duty to share it with the world.