Thursday, September 15, 2005


Chardonnay, chardonnay, chardonnay...

Londis has no good wine in the fridge, but I can't wait for it to chill in my fridge at home. I want a white wine so dry it would numb your extremities. I want to pour it straight down my throat without it touching the sides.

Never was much of a drinker. In general (big generalisation coming up here) we Jews are not big drinkers; consider this, in Catholicism exists the stereotype of the whisky-soaked priest(see Father Ted)but the same is not true for the rabbi pissed on the old kosher vino.

School is turning me into a dipso. All I can think about is getting home and being able to drink and smoke. I want to be amongst the grownups. If I could simultaneously drink, smoke, have sex, joyride and max my credit card it might make up for the fact that I spend all day with the small feral children.


Anonymous said...

You need one of those wine coolers that they sell in Lakeland and in some supermarkets. (not Londis, obviously). You keep them in the freezer, and then when you have a bottle of wine to cool, you just slap on the cooler thingy, and it chills in minutes. Brilliant invention. We refer to it as the full metal jacket.

Here it is:;sid=0JMPxmNq5J_YzSBHsCIDwMuqak_uiITGhq0=?ProductID=BJXCy5OSDSgAAADnxi13yMGK

Annie said...

Fabulous. I will get one immediately.

Adrian said...

Wine and smokes are easy to get fortunately. Same can't always be said about sex. It's not like it's on the shelf at Londis.

Annie said...

True - though you never know in Hackney. Particularly in Lidl.

Adrian said...

Yeah, I'm more SW than E. I've never been to Lidl. I'm not planning on it any time soon either.