Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fugee La

My back is knackered. I feel like someone has hammered my head into my neck with an anvil, like a cartoon character. Way past due for a massage - the last was about 10 years ago. We were on holiday in Turkey, we all went for an aromatherapy massage. I felt a bit twitchy as the masseur was a young handsome guy, especially when he tugged at my bikini bottoms. Afterwards he told me "I am trying to tell you they are inside out."

When we came out we went to this little bar to drink cocktails, I felt so relaxed it was like my bones had turned into water. They were playing reggae, and the icing on the cake was they were playing this tune, the only one I liked off the second Fugees album. The first Fugees album is amazing, before they went all shouty and started murdering Roberta Flack tunes. Do give it a listen. I'm playing it in lieu of a back massage.


Adrian said...

I go for one every few months. I start off thinking "sheesh I paid for an hour of this" and 60 minutes latter I'm thinking "If you stop now, I'll kill you. Don't you dare stop". It's really quite relaxing. Obviously not quite relaxing as having 'a special friend' (*cough*) do it for you. But then that's harder to come buy.

WDKY said...

I liked the fugees for a while, then went off them. I wish your back better though - Toward the Within, by Dead Can Dance would do you the power of good. I just blogged about it a few minutes ago, by coincidence.

Adrian said...

I never liked the Fugees. Esepcialy after thet "killing me softly" made me want to die. Or kill someone.

Now Dead can Dance ... that's a band. Takes me way back.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I'll listen later.

Right now, would you believe it, one of the cooooolest reggae songs is playing on the radio. Got to go and dance a bit...see ya. case you can't get a massage, try that yoga thing, the cobra. But try it very, very gently.

Wyndham said...

Well, what do you think of the Kate Bush single, Annie, I like it muchly.

Annie said...

Wyndham - what? what? where? I thought it wasn't out til the end of the month.

GG - go wind your waist, girl. I will go & try to unbend my spine.

Adrian & WDKY - I've never heard Dead Can Dance, but I think one of their musicians used to work in the same office as my dad for a while - six degrees of separation, hey. Will check them out.

Wyndham said...

it's being played on the radio as I write this!