Sunday, September 04, 2005

When irony is bad

What is going on with the clothes this season? I fear I may be out of step with the world of fashion. In Top Shop at the moment all the clothes look like something my mum would wear to a party circa 1973, and let's not forget, that was the decade taste quite rightfully forgot. Tiered, floor-length dresses. Crocheted waistcoats. Denim waistcoats. Bottle green clothes. Aubergine clothes. Cheesecloth. I can't believe that people really truly want ironic fashion.

But then I don't get the appeal of humour in music either. Like the Streets - I know he is talented but I want something a bit more... more musical from my music. Goldie Lookin' Chain are another example. What is wrong with all these people, buying music to have a laugh? Are they the ones responsible for Chas & Dave? (though must admit the love song where he says he's going to wine and dine his girlfriend and take her to Elizabeth Duke is pretty funny. Oh alright then.)


Wyndham said...

You are quite right - popular music, and I mean the three-minute single, has to be performed and listened-to absolutely, deadly seriously or it loses all its power. Although I'm quite partial to the tart irony of The Divine Comedy! Regards, Wyndham.

Annie said...

Good lord, someone read this. Thanks, Wyndham the Triffid. You made my day.