Saturday, September 17, 2005

In memory of Hackney Lookout

Sights on my travels around Hackney this weekend:

Swans swanning down the Canal (how do they stay so white in such dirty water?)

Canoe-ists canoodling down the Canal.

A man swimming in the Canal (crazy nutter!)

A woman walking a ferret on a lead down Mare Street.


Adrian said...

Surely canoodling in a canoe is an activity likely to get you wet. Canoe's aren't not built for conoodling. Are they?

Annie said...

You're right. I never tried it - but surely the verb for what you do in a canoe must be canoodling?

Adrian said...

Well it all depends on what exactly it is you are doing. If you are shmocheeling (no way to write that word, as I made it up and it's pretty much verbal only) you could use canoodling.

But if you are really getting your oar in, I'm not sure the verb is adequate.

Annie said...

boom boom! Trust Mr Sevitz to lower the tone.

DAVE BONES said...

There used to be a punk who had an iguana with a studded collar

Annie said...

That's why I love it here. Didn't ever get this calibre of people-watching in leafy north London.

Adrian said...

Oh god, I've only posted here twice, and my reputation is sullied. I'm not really all that sleazy, no matter what the other blogs say. Really I'm not.

Annie said...

Ha! I know, only joshing. Maybe more sleaze is what is needed around here though, might attract more visitors.

Quink said...

If it's of any help, I've revived Hackney Lookout - thanks for the 'in memoriam' though....

Annie said...

So you have! Hurrah!