Saturday, December 17, 2005

This weekend I have seen -

Bob Dylan's double in Archway tube (as he was on the cover of "Blonde on Blonde", ie in his twenties, so it probably wasn't him, though he's rumoured to live in Crouch End.)

Three teenage girls in Camden Town tube, in front of a poster of Brokeback Mountain, stroking Jake Gyllenhaal's face. Totally understandable.

Emily and Tamor's new joint production - little Oskar - he is cute as a button. Go buy their jewellery and paintings and help support the baby! (Emily's website will be geared up soon, keep an eye on it). Okay, shameless plug over.


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Well, I must say that imitation Dylan is a li'l more cute than the real one.

Annie said...

Yup, he has not aged gracefully. He's enough to frighten small children these days.