Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Great lost musical geniuses of our time... no. 1

Ultra Vivid Scene
were in fact just Kurt Ralske, making music all by himself in his bedroom. Dreamy, camp, a bit twisted, a bit SM, highly personal, (he sings like he's whispering to himself) sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes surprisingly dark, often with a sting in the tail... (ex. The Whore of God 'You said your last john was peculiar, he moved in a mysterious way...') Not afraid to take on big themes like Sex, Death, Religion, Redemption in a 3 minute pop tune. He also did a song called the Mercy Seat, which I prefer to Nick Cave's. Best and most heartbreaking of all is Bloodline, where he conjures perfectly that period of being so stunned after a breakup that it doesn't seem to have hit him yet and you feel his loss more than he does. He was on 4AD and I believe that the cover of his first album was a dayglo toothbrush, created by the great Vaughan Oliver. Bought it, lost it when our flat was burgled (really, the most stupid burglars in the world - what value a bag full of home-taped C90s on the black market?) found it again in a junk shop, lost again when moving house... But surely it will be available somwhere on the internets again... I implore you to seek it out... (you can sample a little bit here)


Tim F said...

Is your fanzine going to have a theme? Might I suggest an overarching 4AD tendency? With occasional nods to Beggars Banquet and Mute, if you fancy.

It will be very popular with people who used to be art students.

Billy said...

As long as it mentions the Pixes.

Annie said...

Tim, 4AD had the best covers after all. And the best lunatic screamers (Black Francis, Kristin Hersh...)

Billy - maybe it should just be a Pixies fanzine. Yay!