Monday, February 25, 2008

Loss: An Evening of Exquisite Misery

This sounds like the club night I've been waiting for my whole life.

Had you heard of the Last Tuesday Club? And if you had, why didn't you tell me about it before?


Anonymous said...

I hadn't, but it all sounds very Weimar and I'm sure might be right up your street as long as you remember to sneer at it a bit too. But what will you do with the 19-year-old you meet there who'll become your lover and will then write suicidal poetry to you when you say, "Sorry, Fish (because he'll be called Fish), you are 19"? Don't say I didn't warn you.

Billy said...

A friend of a friend of mine used to do a DJ set around various places in Bristol playing exclusively depressing songs. It was one of the most uplifting evenings I ever went to.

Annie said...

BiB - tee hee! I'll send Fish your way when I'm through with him.
'Auf wiedersehen, mein Fish...'

Billy - ooh, exclusively depressing songs... what a very great idea. Let me see...

Leonard Cohen and 'Dance Me To The End of Love.'

Peggy Lee 'Is That All There Is?'

Billy Holliday 'Strange Fruit.'

Good lord, I could go on all night. Anyone else care to add to them?

(Liking your new music project a lot, btw. If only I could play an instrument. I have a triangle at school, if that's any good?)

Billy said...

There was some definite Leonard featured, plus a lot of very frigid electronic stuff.

Re the musical project, lack of being able to play an instrument is a good thing. I myself will most likely be playing a clarinet for my contribution, an instrument I can just about get a note out of it but that's it.

Istvanski said...

The one I know about is "An Evening of Exquisite Memory Loss". They play nothing but Chumbawumba songs.

Not recommended.

patroclus said...

I've been to Feeling Gloomy before, which seems to be along the same sort of lines as Billy's friend's soirée. Anything off The Boatman's Call is also a good candidate.

Bowleserised said...

I think I know the guy who organises it – it's related to the Modern Times CLub, IIRC.

Annie said...

Istvanski - you'd want to lose your memory after that, for sure.

P - great post. Why is Nick Cave (I nearly typed Nice Cave - good Freudian slip)such a miserable old sod? He's had a charmed existence, as far as I can see. Never had to work at a proper job in his life, hugely popular, gets all the gorgeous girls...

B, is his name Viktor Wynd? He sounds like a character...

Bowleserised said...

Not Victor, but one of his partners in crime, I think. I've been getting their emails for ages but have obviously done nothing about it because I'm in the wrong country.