Sunday, February 03, 2008

Net disaster

Run! Run! Run for your life!


Anonymous said...


Del said...

It's like Cloverfield all over. Why do you like Firemen? I'm a Fire Warden. Does that count?

rockmother said...

It's the uniform Del. And the fact that they do brave things. There was a really serious chemical spill and people were being evacuated from the next door block at work last year. Me? I just looked out of the window at all the commanding firemen. It was great.

I think it's a girl thing.

Annie said...

Del - Do firewardens slide down the slidey thing wearing the uniform? Or would you be prepared to?

RoMo - how wonderful. Every year a different class gets to go on a trip to the firestation. Next year I'm swapping with one of the other teachers...

rockmother said...

Ooh - can I be a teaching assistant for the day?

Del said...

I have actually gone down the pole in a fire station. And used one of the high pressure hoses. And had a ride in a fire engine. But that was when I was in the cubs.

But if our building did have a pole, I think it's fair to say I would be more than happy to use it. Like in Ghostbusters!

My mate's a fireman. But he's married.


Annie said...

High pressure hoses!


Istvanski said...

Let's not forget those big shiny yellow helmets.