Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day, you sexy beast.

Moonwalk, originally uploaded by Slaminsky.

(Forget red roses, have some George Clinton featuring Public Enemy - seriously, this is shit-kicking music and possibly my favourite tune of all time. Available for 7 days only, get it while it's hot.)

Me, I'm going to have a beer, so I can cry into it.


rockmother said...

Cool photo. Oh don't cry for something that was invented by Hallmark. Anyway, your eyes will go all puffy and we can't have that.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Mr. Clinton so went googling to see if he's related to Billary. There's such a good photo on wikipedia, which I won't link to, as I don't know how to properly.

Don't cry! (And don't have a beer at 7.50.)

LC said...

Girls on the tube all look just a little bit hotter on Valentine's day - I presume they've put a bit more effort in than usual because they're heading straight out to dinner after work with their other halves. Or maybe they're just hoping Today is The Day that I'll notice them.

Probably the latter, if we're honest.

the whales said...

Cheers to beer for crying into! Hic...

Annie said...

Thanks RoMo. Taken on the mean streets of Hackney - stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Jacqui Smith.

BiB, never heard of George Clinton? Never heard Parliament? Funkadelic? You have a glorious musical treat in store...

LC, I’m honoured – nay, touched – that you took time out of your busy executive schedule to needle and annoy me on my humble blog. (Surely it can’t be long before you’re employing bodyguards to protect you from the hordes of frisky women trying to tear your clothes off in the street…)PS: Have cracked now. Quite missing your blog. Won't you reconsider...?

The Whales - next year will propose an 'I Hate Valentine's Day' blogmeet at which we can all get pissed, drown our sorrows and give dirty looks to any happy couples...

Tim F said...

If you cry long enough into your beer, it gives it a rather pleasant tequila slammer sort of flavour. Just try not to snot.