Thursday, February 21, 2008

Magic G

Why is it no surprise that this study was carried out at 'the University of L'Aquila in Italy'?
(seen on Girl With A One Track Mind's blog.)

It tickled me that 'the findings make it possible for women to have a rapid test to confirm whether or not they have [one]'. That's a fun job for someone.

Freud said one type of orgasm was 'infantile' whilst the other was for real women, accepting of their subordinate role in life. In your face, Sigmund!


Bowleserised said...

Eh. This is bull. Read Story of V by Catherine Blackledge. Different percentages of women have ""g spots"" (prostatic tissue) in different places. Most have it in the classic spot where Cosmo tells you it is. 40% don't. But they still have 'em.

Annie said...

Ooh. (So it could situated somewhere more, um, accessible? How amazing would that be?)

It did seem somewhat unlikely.

Del said...

Wait, what? Women can have orgasms?

Heheh. Reminds me one of a male friend's ironic boast, "I'm great at sex, me. I have an orgasm every time."

That's what happens when you get a bunch of scientists to try and do something sexual. They should've asked a bunch of smooth talking lotharios to carry out the research.

Fact is, as we all know, the most poewrful sexual organ is the brain.

rockmother said...

Oh - I thought Magic G was the new and decided title of the fanzine when I saw it in my rss feed.

I quite like it actually.

Oh no - I've been chopping garlic and my keyboard is covered in it. Got to go. x

Annie said...

Del, YOU are a smooth-talking lothario. At least, you say ALL the right things...

RoMo - tee hee! I quite like it too. When I'm sitting on the terrace of my private estate in Barbados in years to come (having made my publishing fortune from humble fanzine beginnings) being interviewed about the origins of the name, I can smirk enigmatically.

Dick Headley said...

'In your face, Sigmund.' Now there's a thought. It might traumatize him.

Tim F said...

Has anyone ever investigated my suspicion that Sigmund had a teeny todger?

Anonymous said...

How do you give a woman an orgasm?

Who cares?

Annie said...

It certainly would, DH. Uptight old git that he was.

Tim, I'm sure you're right. It would explain the theory of penis envy anyway.

Sid - thank you for that.

LC said...

So much of Freud's work has been completely debunked by modern genetics research that it's hard to take any of his theories too seriously these days. If the poor chap had been born just 50 or so years later, I think his work would have benefited enormously from a decent understanding of DNA. His ideas on the 'death instinct/drive' are hilariously out of whack with basic scientific principles.

I kind of think Freud is to psychology what Newton is to physics - he came up with some great models that worked well enough to be of massive practical use, but ultimately, modern discoveries have shown that he was way off track.

*crawls back under blanket with bottle of scotch*

Annie said...

I just thought of a better answer for Sid - 'Sexist? What's wrong with being sexy?' (Spinal Tap)

Hmm, a cogent and reasonable comment from LC. I find myself somewhat at a loss as to how to respond.

Awww. Man flu?

Anonymous said...

This survey got a mention in tonight's News Quiz:

Q: What the difference between the G spot and a golf ball?

A: Men are quite willing to spend ten minutes looking for a golf ball.

Annie said...

Marsha - excellent!

Istvanski said...

Femininity is..?
Women are like fine wine. They all start out fresh, fruity and intoxicating to the mind and then turn full-bodied with age until they go all sour and vinegary and give you a headache.

llewtrah said...

Mine doesn't seem to work very well though I do once recall saying to someone "It's no use, my G spot doesn't work like tha!!" and then wetting myself. It's never done anything like that since, not even with the funny G-spot-tickling attachment on my buzzing toy.