Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Boy with the thorn in his side

Maybe it's generalising but... it seems a fatal flaw in women, that we do like a wounded soldier. Until you realise that in fact there's not much you can do for them - they're always going to be angry, dark, bitter and twisted, and they are going to do your head in before you'll ever mellow them out. When I was younger I found them attractive, but these days I run for the hills. Give me someone happy any day...


Atomic Ephemera said...

I agree. Much less tiring and if I wanted to spend my time mothering someone I'd have kids.

GreatSheElephant said...

true dat

trouble is, men without problems tend to run a mile when they meet me

LC said...

Men, on the other hand, will *always* do their best to avoid a woman with excess baggage - we're smart like that.

Annie said...

Jack, right, it's the Florence Nightingale Syndrome...

GSE, yes, if anyone's going to be the neurotic basketcase, it'll be me, thank you very much.

LC, you mean you haven't heard of Betty Blue Syndrome?

Billy said...

I believe we, by which I somewhat presume to include the other members of my gender, go for a slightly different kind of damaged.

Maybe I'll do a post about it.

Anonymous said...

I still tend to go for the wounded, troubled sort...but I've moved on to the LESS wounded and troubled so that's something :-) Keeps things interesting...or something.

llewtrah said...

Hasn't Billy covered this in his post about brooding Mr D'Arcy types? Brooding? They're just sulky!

Annie said...

Billy, intriguing...

Calista, see, that's maturity ;-)

Ah Llewtrah, I think Mr Darcy is a bit different - as well as being fictional - he is more of an emotionally repressed, ex-public school, anally retentive typical Englishman, rather than a screwed-up angry headcase...