Monday, May 28, 2007

Is it me or...

is there something sinister about Facebook?

(joinus! oneofus! oneofus!)


Annie said...

I like Facebook because I like looking up old classmates and laughing at their shit jobs.

So yes.

Anonymous said...

I agree - I am finding all the sudden that loads of people I didn't want to find me have - I find it annoying when they "poke" me. However - upst that you are not my friend - you better find me. Like now.
BS xxx

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I heard John Humphrys refer to Facebook as "Facepack" the other morning on "Today".

I can't comment, as we are a Bebo household, I'm afraid.

Billy said...

What's the difference between Facebook and Myspace?

Annie said...

Annie, right, this is one good reason not to joinus...

Sarah ducky, I am not joining. I'm still your friend though ;-)

Marsha, he is getting on a bit. I'm too old and past-it for Bebo, I reckon.

Billy - eeerrm... not entirely sure as I haven't signed up, but I haven't had a constant stream of emails from MySpace screaming 'So-and-So Is In Your Network!' You can look at MySpace profiles without registering too, I think...

Anonymous said...

You telling me there's something else I've got to check out as my 13 year old may be using it?

bye bye bellulah said...

Hi. Have about 20 hours a day too much time on my hands at the moment, so even though I'm old, I've joined both. Myspace is a bit clunky and static and teenaged bands from Bristol msg (did you see what I did there?) you all the time asking if you'll be their friend. I've also had a bunch of virtual roses and a 'proposition' from complete strangers.

Facebook, although populated mostly by US college kids who could walk 10 yards down the dorm corridor to have the same convesations, is a lot more fun. Funny groups to join, have made 'friends' with some, on the face of it, interesting people, no ad spam yet.

I know too much about this for a normal, functioning adult woman.

Anxious said...

Facebook is weird. Plus, I have to go by my real name, which scares me, because my "friends" on facebook are a mix of real life and bloggy people and it's strange to have them both in the same place.

bye bye bellulah said...

I made up a name - how're they going to know?

You can also set up private groups that don't appear publically so you can chat openly with that particular group, but it can't be seen by anyone else.

Am going now as it's becoming painfully clear that I've been unwittingly re-programmed - I don't even have a mobile phone, ffs.

Annie said...

Greavsie, 'fraid so... look at it this way, it keeps you young...

Hey Bye Bye Bellulah - you make MySpace sound kind of appealing. I'd quite like a virtual bunch of flowers. Very easy to lose hours of time online - as I know from being on half term - step AWAY from the computer...

Anx, that's one of the reasons I'm not so keen - when worlds collide...

rockmother said...

I feel a bit weird about facebook. I think the layout/interface whatever it's called is better than munterspace but there is something a bit creepy about it. Plus - we've just had a very bad work 'incident' with facebook. Freaky IT geekboy in the office registering on f*ckbuddy groups and saying he will meet anyone to do anything at any time but unfortunately for him had put the name of his place of work in the main profile bit. If clients googled him to get mob no or stuff like that it goes (went) to his fuckbuddy page. Oops. Made me feel icky - if you SAW what he wrote - it was sooo desperate and scary plus he looked like a potential serial killer in his photo. I was thinking about blogging about it but he's such a weirdo I'm worried he is tracking my blog as I've had the office on my sitemeter for hrs at a time when he has been working late at various points over last year. So Facebook is no thank you for me.

He has been suspended and is consulting a lawyer who told him to delete his entries immediately. We had already saved screengrabs of his f*ckbuddy profiles - filled out on work time. Also - the MD received three complaints of sexual harrassment from three clients asking for him never to come into their office again to fix their server. Oooohh!

Annie said...

Good grief!

You'd think he'd be a bit more savvy, being an IT geekboy...

rockmother said...

He's a bloody weirdo!