Monday, May 07, 2007


You must watch it, as my dear friend Holly has a place on it. I used to live with her and my cooking was for a brief period quite edible, due to her passionately foodie influence.

(Met Holly for the first time the day we moved in. I was chatting to her in my bedroom, with a glass of red wine in my hand - I gestured as I was talking and threw red wine all over the [white] bedroom wall. Afterwards she said 'At that moment, I knew we'd get on.')


the whales said...

re glass of red wine and white wall...I was chatting with someone when they did something similar...i howled with laughter. I've started laughing again at the thought of it

Dan Flynn said...

Masterchef, is that the one with the odious Gordon Ramsey? If not then that's okay.

Just thought I'd make my position clear.

Tim F said...

Anyone remember the Vic and Bob version of Masterchef, with Vic as Loyd Grossman?

Anonymous said...

yes, with the big forehead, Max Wall leggings and clown shoes (that response was to Tim Footman)

I once managed to get black liquid shoe polish all over a white wall when I lived with Bad Sarah and boy was I ever scared!!! It came off by sheer will-power and bleach - phew!

Anonymous said...

Darling, how awful. I trust you didn't lose the whole glass? I can think of almost nothing more traumatic.

Annie said...

the Whales, I know, classic eh?

Dan, surely you know Masterchef, it's been around for donkey's years - no Gordon Ramsay to be seen, I promise.

Tim, I missed that - & while we're on the subject, how did Vic Reeves get away with shamelessly pinching Eric Morecambe's entire act for so long?

Em - phew indeed, I would have been having kittens. (Incidentally, how did you get the shoe polish - no, no, I don't want to know.)

BiB, hahaha! Another fine reason to watch Holly - as well as teaching me how to cook, she also taught me how to drink - I think I was sloshed pretty much every day when we shared a house.

Dan Flynn said...


Can't remember masterchef. However I've been drawn to that programme where chefs make food for food critics who are really rude to them. I quite like that one, plus I've a soft spot for Jamie Oliver after, '15' and the school meals thing. However I cannot abide those food programmes where Ramsey et al abuse their staff in the most disgusting way. Shall look for masterchef tho, and your mate Holly. Hey, remember that thing you did last year about meeting someone who's not quite famous? I can tell people that I comment to Annie Slaminsky, London blogger and mate of that Holly, you know, the woman on Masterchef!

Annie said...

I know he irritates people, but I think Jamie Oliver is great. He's a natural teacher. I'm not that keen on old Gordon either, he's too overcompensatingly macho. Let's face it, making expensive dinners for people is not the same as wrestling tigers for a living.

That would be the most obscure claim to fame ever, Dan...