Monday, May 14, 2007

I vant to be alone *

I have shared houses with various people since I was 18, I've lost count how many places I've lived in since then. Now I'm 35, and I think if I don't have my own place soon, there will be murder. I've had it hasta la nariz, as the Spaniards say. That's all I'm saying.

If you do live alone, do you like it? Half of me thinks that I would be running around the place naked, laughing gleefully like a loon. Half of me thinks I would be talking to the walls, then banging my head against them. But you've got to try it...

*actually she didn't say that, she said 'I vant to be left alone', which is different.


LC said...

I shared up until about a year ago, and now I really miss having people around at home. Having my own space is great, and it's nice to know that I don't have to negotiate for use of the living room if I've got a ho' coming over, but it still feels weird coming back to an empty flat most nights of the week.

On balance, I wish I hadn't stopped sharing, although paradoxically I don't think I could go back to it after having my own place for so long.

Anonymous said...

I've never lived alone but I've never lived in a "shared" flat/house (no, not even when I was student)either. I went from living with my parents to being married, then married with children (I don't think 2 years in halls of residence really counts). I feel, on some level that I should try living alone. However, once married, solo-living is usually considered drastic, or at least aberrant, behaviour.

Tim F said...

I'd rather like to live alone if Slaminsky promised to run around naked occasionally. But I suppose I wouldn't be alone then. What a conundrum.

Timbo said...

Well, I don't live alone as such, seeing as I live with my girlfriend, but that's closer to 'alone' than living in a shared house, and yes, I do get to run about naked, and yes, it is very very nice, and yes, I can't even imagine living in a shared house/flat again because I would probably go mad and try to kill everyone because the forks hadn't been washed up. Or something.

Anonymous said...

Annie, like anything, half a dozen of one, six of the other. I´ve lived alone twice for short periods, and really enjoyed having my own space, doing exactly what I wanted, but did sometimes feel lonely and at a loose end. If you live on your own, I think you have to make more effort to invite people over, and go out, which is not such a bad thing. Knowing your living situation, as I do, and knowing how beautiful you would make a house of your own, I think you should go for it. If I wasn´t sharing a flat with my boyfriend, I would definately live alone. Plus if you get your own place, I can come and stay - hint, hint!!! Also, a higher girl to bathroom ratio is just never going to work...

Clair said...

I've lived like Miss Havisham for the last 400 years, but I've got the interesting conundrum of thinking of buying a two-bed flat and taking a lodger to help pay for it. It might be nice - or I might feel seething resentment about someone eating my bread.

Anonymous said...

Annie, I think I can imagine you liking living alone. I think I liked it, apart from when I had a one-month, in-between bedsit with no shared bathroom and no noise. I didn't have a TV, radio, computer. Anything. Just silence and looking out the window. Anyway, you get out of the house for your job and you have pals, so you'd have on-tap access to both company and solitude. The choice is a nice one.

GreatSheElephant said...

It's brilliant. The only way I would contemplate sharing with anyone again would be if the room came with an ensuite private bathroom, ensuite private kitchen, ensuite private sitting room and it's own front door. Oh and full soundproofing.

Hell is other people.

Shyha said...

First of all - hello again!
I'm joining what emma said.
Apart from time when I'd lived with my parents I've lived alone or with my girlfriend. I'm in UK now and I had to find accomodation for myself and shared houses are not for me I think. The only good thing is price. Definetly - having your own place is a good thing. You can always inviting people for parties, and if you'll find living alone beeing not your pair of shoes just find someone to share your place with!

Anonymous said...

I live alone, and it's great. I have plenty of space and I do with it what I will.

I wouldn't give it up... Except to move in with my Better Half, which will happen soon with any luck.

Anonymous said...

Why not the best of both worlds? Run around the place naked and talk to the walls at the same time? What could be saner?

Billy said...

I've lived on my own before and I quite liked it. However I'd rather live with people simply because it is cheaper.

Rog said...

I'm with Billy. I used to be shut in a garage until the new people moved in. I still run around naked's a dog thing.

Annie said...

LC - right, coming back to an empty flat is my dream at the moment but being a perverse human being, I suspect is less fun in reality. And - a ho'? Tsk! You kiss Nurse Gladys with that mouth?

Marsha, you could have separate apartments, like Woody and Mia. Look how well that worked out - on second thoughts...

Tim, you old charmer, I'm blushing. Bet you say that to all the girls...

Timbo, you have the best of both worlds - own place, and company. Though maybe all my problems would be solved by us just hiring a cleaner...

Ah thanks, Em. I want you to come and stay - and I miss having the ladies living around the corner.

Hi Clair - I'm in that exact same position too, and it's a serious conundrum.

BiB, your bedsit scenario is a haunting one. You're very strong! Cheers my dear, I think you're right.

GSE, thought you might say that. It's this that's keeping me going through the hideousness of trying to find a house.

Hey Shyha! Hope you are enjoying it here! I would have found my own place a long time ago, but London is astronomically expensive, & my career has not been exactly all about the money thus far...

QE, are you in London? How do you manage it? (Good luck with the move to a place with your Better Half.)

Dave, right, and it would surely keep me occupied if I got lonely. Though it might worry the neighbours.

Billy, you are a mere spring chicken. Come back in 10 years time and tell me what you think of sharing...

Murph, you mean you don't have one of those fetching little printed jackets that I saw on a poodle just yesterday?

Alda said...

You have my full sympathy. I did the sharing thing for several years in my early twenties and it drove me bonkers. In fact I ended up leaving the city where I lived (Toronto) just because I saw I'd probably not be able to afford to live on my own there unless I got into some serious money. So where did I move to? Broadstairs, Kent!

I don't live alone now (obviously, married with kid) but were I single without kid I would be doing everything I could to have my own place. I just loved it!

rockmother said...

Slammers - dare I ask how the flat/house-hunting is going? Do we need to go out for more drinks to dull the pain? I occasionally get moments when I think - oh - I just want to go back to my old (single) flat - just for one night! But I think that is more to do with uncertain relationship issues..and is probably entirely normal.

Anonymous said...

I will not be living alone for the next 15 years or so as I have kiddo...but I do share a house. It's much cheaper, but some days I would much rather have my own space where I don't have to tell the kiddo to not be so noisy, where I can watch what I want, do the laundry when I want, and have people over to dinner without feeling like I have to invite her to join me. And have a blasted drink if I want without feeling like God is going to throw lightening bolts at me. That's what I get for living with a teetotaller.

Annie said...

Cheers, Alda. This is the dilemma - I could probably move, well, anywhere else in the country and afford it, London can be a nightmare for single people. But I looooove it... don't want to leave...

RoMo, everything being crazily expensive, I think it's going to be a looong search... What you say is v true, everyone has something to deal with at home... yes,drinks drinks drinks!

Calista *gasp* you poor thing! I'd hate anyone giving me evil looks for having a drink. It must be doubly hard with your kiddo - right, I will never complain again...

Anonymous said...


I am now going to have to find a flat mate as I can't afford to get a one bedroom. Maybe you should buy a two bedroom and rent me a room - I am very neat and clean and nice and funny and I like vino. I do like living with people more than on my own - did it and hated the feeling sometimes.

Single (bad) Sarah

llewtrah said...

I live alone (but have Billy with me at weekends and can spend the weekdays missing him :) ). Living alone means:

no arguments over TV channels
can wander round naked/untidy
no nagging over chores
can eat fart-making food and not care about after effects
can wallow in the bath
decor is how I want it - no compromises!
can cook what I want, when I want
no fattening food in the house to tempt me

Okay, there's a downside - cost, sole responsibility for home maintenance, it sucks when I'm alone and ill and there's no-one to do the shopping.feed the cat etc.

Annie said...

Sar, you are welcome but I think I might be looking for somewhere til I'm old and grey...

Ah, Llewtrah, you are describing bliss. (And flatmates don't look after you when you're ill either...)

Anonymous said...

No, I'm no longer in London. When I did it was in a house full of students, which was particularly annoying (because one of them was completely useless and the other two were [depending on timeframe] either 'my good friend and the boyfriend who didn't deserve her' or 'my girlfriend and her psycho ex-boyfriend', respectively).

I did have an NW3 address for a while. Quite reasonable, it was, too.

Annie said...

Ooh, QE, there's a story now...

Nowadays I reckon an affordable NW3 postcode would probably be a park bench on Hampstead Heath.