Thursday, May 31, 2007


Good lord, I'm flagging. I have RBSI (repetitive blogging strain injury.) My brain has turned to marmalade. Help me, I beg you, please ask me a question, anything, go on, I double dare you, I'll do my best to answer.(It doesn't have to be a question about me. It can be about anything you like. Except sport. Anything but that. Though questions on Thierry Henry will be accepted.)


Billy said...

1. Thierry Henry... is it acceptable to refer to him is "Terry Henry" at any time?

2. You used to have film stars as a blogroll. Who's your favourite?

3. Do you know anyone wants to move into a West London flat straight away? (It's worth a try)

Annie said...

Hurray for Billy!

1. No.

2. Hmm, tricky. Mae West? 'I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure.' Or Marilyn Monroe? - corny but true. Gorgeous, funny, iconic, underrated as an actor... Paul Newman maybe for the men - he was beautiful, and v cool.

3. I'll ask around for you. Have you tried GSE's Halp! blog?

DCveR said...

What is the biggest mountain on Earth?

Why is the sky blue?

Why do little children tend to stare at the grey hairs on my beard?

rockmother said...

Can we meet up next week instead of this week? Am drowning in work and don't have a life at mo. x

Annie said...

Ooer Dcver. I'm only a humble primary school teacher, you think I have General Knowledge or something?

Okay, here goes. The biggest mountain is not Mount Everest, oh no. It is Mauna Loa, in Hawaii, (if you measure it from the base under the sea.)

The sky is blue because of Rayleigh scattering. Don't ask me what this means, it's all to do with gas molecules bumping into light waves and having a party.

Little children tend to stare at your grey hair because it sparkles and gleams in the light and is attractive to the eye. So now you know.

Annie said...

RoMo, we crossed in the comments. Most definitely... that was easy to answer

Billy said...

"Have you tried GSE's Halp! blog?"

Of course, I'm so stupid... over there now.

Anonymous said...

What is the cure for RBSI? (And can you give some to me when you get your hands on it?)

Is NOW the happiest time of your life?

Are you ACTUALLY the nicest person in the world?

Annie said...

Ah, BiB, good questions. The cure is to step away from the computer, go outside and smell the roses... we only put this pressure on ourselves, after all...

Yes, I think it is. Don't know about you, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I got into my 30s - have felt much more confident, or at least care much less about not knowing what I'm doing or what people think of you - and it keeps getting better.

No no no, not at all - I am EVIL, EVIL and WICKED - the puny ants, one day I will rule the world - bwahahaha!

Timbo said...

I'm so blogged out I can't even think of a question. That's bad isn't it?

Tim F said...

Which oozing abscess on the perineum of humanity is going to win Big Brother?

Annie said...

Timbo, yes hon, it is... but this is a lazy post in which I try to get you to do all the work, so fair enough. Now go and gaze at the horizon for 10 minutes and do your eyes a favour.

Tim, my, you have a lovely way with words.

Patrick Moore. He will be drafted in as a surprise contestant at the last minute to boost flagging viewing figures when the Barbie twins are voted out. (PS I haven't been watching, can you tell?)

Anonymous said...

You'd think that for the light waves and air particles party they'd want a slightly better light show than just blue.

Why can't I think of a question to ask?

DCveR said...

I've been to Mauna Loa... that one was a bit of a teaser.
The third one was the one really puzzling me! ;)

King of Scurf said...

What makes the noise when a balloon bursts? Is it the sound of the compressed air expanding? Why would that make a noise? Or is the sound created by rubber tearing at great speed? Again, how/why would that make a noise?

Annie said...

QE - because you have on a lot on your mind? It's okay, you can come back later if you think of one, I'm here all week...

It's the wave of air (which has been pent up inside the ballon) hitting your ears at high pressure which makes the 'bang', King of Scurf. What a lot we are learning today!

Arabella said...

Who am I where am I is there a God?

Anonymous said...

Oh good. God's come up. But Arabella, you are Arabella, a once almost-minister, an Englishwoman abroad and are currently listening to music in New York or Austin. (Sorry, Annie. Are other bloggers allowed to provide answers?)

Anonymous said...

Did you know about my adolesent obsession with Marilyn?

Did I ever do my rendition (including the dance) Of 'Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend' for you?

Do you promise to never ever let me do it again in my adult life, no matter how curious you are to see it?

Did you go forgive me for not getting in touch with you about Paradise Gardens cos I was so busy?

Arabella said...

Thanks BiB, I was worried there for a minute. I'll come here next time I lose the car keys.

Annie said...

Phew, glad BiB's here to answer your existential crisis Arabella. (I personally do not believe there's a god, though have heard some people speak of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...)Were you really a minister?

V, I did know, (which is ironic as you somewhat ressemble Marilyn) but you never did the dance for me, I DEMAND you do the dance for me as compensation for not coming to Paradise Gardens!

(Just joshing - don't you worry, I didn't go as it was pissing down all Bank Holiday Weekend. Did you get it all done?)

Arabella, that reminds me of a shop sign I saw in Holloway yesterday which said 'Keys Cut. Psychic.' Handy if you ever lose the keys...

Arabella said...

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster web site has some great T shirts...
(Didn't get as far as ordination; I was pondering vocation etc etc.)

Quink said...

What did the Caspian Sea?

Annie said...

Arabella, my word!

Quink - lots of people Russian around? (I'll get my coat...)

Anonymous said...

Better to live with someone you're not quite in love with or to live alone wishing you lived with someone you're not quiet in love with?

Annie said...

You don't mess around with your questions, do you Adrian? This is a heavyweight, 6 million dollar question if ever I saw one, it deserves a post on its own...

Well, I guess it depends on a lot of things, but the bottom line is how much you like or don't like living alone. (And I don't believe couples spend 24 hours a day/365 days a year being 'in love' either.) Plus there's a payoff for having company and someone always in your corner, and that is constant compromise, and no peace or autonomy, or sometimes wanting to strangle them with your bare hands... And also how much you have invested in the idea of a Platonic, ideal other half of you existing out there in the world, and if you are passing up on them by living with someone you're not quite in love with... (though I always wondered about this theory - what do you do if your Platonic other half is deep in the Amazon jungle and you live on the other side of the world, never likely to meet them?)

My guess is that most people go through phases of being 'in love' or not in love, just feeling affection and loyalty for their partners... I'm dubious about this big romantic myth of the big love, because I think it's just a trick our bodies play on us to get us to mate. But what do I know?

realdoc said...

Marmite...yes or no?
Do you use fabric conditioner?
Should little kids be encouraged to read proper literature or anything at all?
Should I give money to beggars?
Is it better to buy fair trade bananas that aren't organic or organic bananas that aren't fair trade?

Annie said...

Realdoc, yes yes yes! I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.

Yes, I discovered it when I left home, our home was fabric-conditioner -free. It was a revelation!

Anything at all, whatever floats their boat. They can save the Proust and Kafka for when they are grownups. (Some educators are a bit sniffy about Mr Men for example, but I think they're great.)

Yes, why not? If you're feeling flush. I am capricious about this and don't have a policy, it depends on my mood...

Organic, schmorganic. I don't think you can trust the organic labels, I think they're made up. Go for Fair Trade!

Ooh, I like this pronouncing-on-things business. It makes me feel like the Queen. Off with their heads!

Quink said...

Russian about... ha ha.

Q2.. What shall I write about?

Rog said...

Is Quink a real name or just a pen name?

Annie said...

Quink - ha, turning the tables on me. I would suggest writing about Stoke Newington mummies, but I think you've already been there...

Murph, it's his real name. The Good Fairy of Blogging was present at the christening, and suggested it.

Quink said...

Stoke Newington mummies, eh? Well, if you like, but it'll have to be in a day or two: I've offloaded the child on his mother for the day, and there's no way I'm going to head down into the maternal ga-goo pit that is Stoke Newington.

Quink my real name? Oh yes, it's one of them, it's one of them...