Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hit it or quit it

I'm talking to an old college friend of L's who I've met once or twice before. He is beautiful, interesting, easy to talk to - and what is rare, nice and unaware or unbothered by his good looks. We're talking away, about Spain where he also lived, and East London where he used to live, and about buying houses - he bought a flat with his girlfriend recently - it's all so easy, conversation flowing...
'Do you want another drink?'
'Nooooo!' I say, standing up suddenly. (I'm a bit tipsy after drinking Hoegardens on an empty stomach.) Why's it so easy talking to him, Mr Good-looking-got-a-girlfriend? Why is it always the good ones that are taken? 'It's a school night, can't get pissed, I can't face them with a hangover.' I practically leg it out the pub.

Afterwards I'm wandering around Tesco Metro putting random items in the basket and wondering why I cut short this conversation which was pretty harmless, even if he was spoken for. It just seemed like a waste of time, like an act of masochism. It reminded me of when I was at a party with my friend Donna, we were talking to this cute boy when he said something about 'my girlfriend' - as soon as the words left his mouth, Donna walked off, even though he was mid-sentence. She was pissed and I don't think she realised she did it, but the raw honesty of it made me laugh. Life's too short - cut to the chase... *

* on the other hand it does make me kind of sad that my contact with men as friends seems to be drifting further and further away, it's like they're on another island or something. Either they're not interested, in which case they can't be bothered with you, or they are interested, & have a secret agenda, or they've got girlfriends who view you with all the benevolence of a sabre toothed tiger protecting her cubs.


DCveR said...

You know... that sabre tooth tiger thing really does sound familiar.
Although GH claims not to be jealous sometimes I detect that very look. But most times I find it women can conceal their jealousy much better than we do, and even use a stance of sympathy that can even be more frightening than that look.

LC said...

>>>Why is it always the good ones that are taken?

Because they're good. Obviously.

Anonymous said...

This isn't making me feel very good Annie - oh god. What have I done! Singledom isn't looking so good right now.

Timbo said...

We should all wear hats saying 'taken' or 'free' so all the pointless conversations could be avoided.

Well, I think it's a good idea.

Anonymous said...

so you are pissed, wandering tesco metro, filling your basket with random stuff... I'm guessing the men are scared.

Billy said...

Pissed shopping is dangerous - I ended up eating spring rolls dipped in hummus last time I did that.

Annie said...

Hm, Dcver, interesting... are you implying that we're devious manipulative & two-faced, as well as jealous? You may well be right...

LC, yes but but but... there is a flaw here somewhere - at some time they must have been single, when was that time & how come someone else always gets there first, hey?
(Though probably it's quite wearing going out with someone that gorgeous and having other ladies cast them amorous looks all the time.)

Sar honey, that's no reason to stay with someone when you're not happy. (And you are one of the good ones of whom men are saying 'how come the good ones are always taken?')

Timbo, right! Enough of this chit-chat, let's all wear badges.

Razorhead, scared? Of me? But I wasn't muttering under my breath to myself - much.

Billy, mmmm, spring rolls & hummus, food of the gods.

Anonymous said...

Blue berries bode bad weather.

Annie said...

Awesome alliteration, Rehan

David said...

Hoegarden on an empty stomach!?

Good God woman that was a close call....

Tim F said...

There's a restaurant in Toronto called Ginsberg & Wong, that (as you might guess) does Jewish and Chinese cuisine (and yes, you're encouraged to mix and match). But I'm not sure if they do spring rolls dipped in hummus.

Double yummers, anyway.

Annie said...

It must be tricky picking up the kneidlach with chopsticks...

DCveR said...

Yup. All that and more! And that devilish side of women is part of their charm. Guess women who are truly innocent must be terribly boring... ;)

Mangonel said...

Yes but, don't men occasionally have friends? XY friends? (or ideally identical twin brothers?)Who may be single?

Annie said...

Mangonel, what you say may be true - maybe they just don't have the matchmaking gene like women...

Clair said...

There's also a restaurant in Halifax, Nova Scotia, called Alfredo, Weinstein and Ho, mixing Italian, Jewish and Chinese cuisines. Badly.

And Slaminsky, I like TOTALLY sympathise with the bloke thing. I am the undisputed queen of unrequited love, and bloody sick of meeting men I'm attracted to who have fantastic girlfriends.