Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How can I live without him?

Carlos, in his 'tempting you to tickle my furry belly before I bite your hand off' pose.
I can't work out if he's exceptionally dim or an evil genius. After all, if you had the choice, you would just eat and sleep* all day whilst the stoopid hoomans run around making money to feed you, wouldn't you? (* shagging no longer a possibility for poor Carlos, which is why he's in a state of arrested development.)


Annie said...

I know I said I wouldn't post on him again. I lied.

Tim F said...

Intellectually stupid, but possessed of a low, selfish cunning.

Were there a feline version of Big Brother, he'd be a star.

Anonymous said...

Awww - Annie - you're new buddy. I totally know how it is. Prrrr.

Arabella said...

He's a tweetums.
There now, I've lowered the tone...

Geoff said...

David Beckham?

Betty said...

"shagging no longer a possibility for poor Carlos, which is why he's in a state of arrested development" - sounds idyllic. Life would be much more straightforward, but I don't want to be reduced to having to use a litter tray :(

GreatSheElephant said...

aw look at those widdle feet sticking out of the ball of fluff

*joins Arabella*

GreatSheElephant said...

You need your own cat. could you get a deaf one?

Bowleserised said...


Yes, get a deaf cat. Which can't smell anything.

Istvanski said...

Aw, lemme tickle his furry lil' chin please, please, please?

llewtrah said...

Awwww. Kitty does that and will now allow me just a little belly rub before wrestling my hand (she no longer breaks skin with her teeth though). Mustard, meanwhile, would allow me to rub her fuzzy little belly 24/7 if she didn't need to eat or use the litter tray.