Sunday, February 08, 2009

Slaminsky's Guide To Drugs

Massive caveat in case anybody from work is reading: Drugs are Bad. Do as I say, not as I did. Don't do them, kids. etc, etc.

Marijuana: Fairly sociable, in one sense, in that you pass it around. Unsociable in that in makes you giggle like a moron at unfunny things and then go into a stupor. Did it for years until I realised that it was only the smoking bit I liked, otherwise it just gave me paranoia and a feeling as though someone was inflating a balloon in my chest, and switched to normal cigarettes instead of 'funny' cigarettes. Quite good for listening to music, though.

Speed: God this party's great, isn't it? So many interesting people to talk to, I could talk all night, it's amazing when you first meet people and you think they're really boring with nothing to say for themselves but then you get talking and you find that everyone's got something to say and everyone's got their own little thing going on, you know, their own little story - sorry, did you say something?
NB: Speed tastes FOUL.

Ecstasy: Lovely, everything's cool, like floating on fluffy pink clouds. Calm calm calm. Is it really hot in here? Must open a window. Hold on, now I'm shivering. Which is weird, I don't feel cold. Hilarious! I feel like I really know you now - like we have this deep connection. Wait - listen to this bit, it'll really make you rush...

Amyl Nitrate:
'So, how do you take this?'
She mimes inhaling over the bottle like it's a Vicks inhaler. A moment later and I feel as if my heart is about to burst out of my chest like the creature from Alien. People do this for fun?

LSD: Will turn your consciousness inside out like a sock in a spin dryer. Seriously, this is one scary drug. I've never understood why it's the cheapest when it's the most instantly powerful and long lasting (8 hours a trip, anyone?) Had amazing times and shit times on it, glad I did it but never again.

Magic Mushrooms: The same, but more, er, organic. We drove into the Norfolk countryside, crashed the car, lay down in the pitch dark on a country road to look at the stars, climbed over barbed wire fences to get into Sheringham park, climbed the observation tower and watched shooting stars, got chased off by guard dogs, all after mushroom tea. Good times.

Cocaine: I have never discovered the effects of this drug, apart from the fact that it makes you a) keep on wanting to do it and b) an arsehole.


Billy said...

Pretty close to my experiences those... except for the mushroom dogs.

LC said...

I abso-fucking-lutely love mushrooms and LSD, they completely changed my outlook on life when I were a youngster. Unfortunately my current lifestyle doesn't really accomodate the use of hallucinogenic narcotics, so I haven't taken them for years.

E is lovely (and awesome for naughty bedroom stuff). Cocaine makes you think you're god, and makes everybody else think you're a wanker. Speed is pretty much low-budget cocaine in my experience.

Weed - depends on the type, I've had some great stuff in Amsterdam that just makes me very happy and relaxed, but most of the stuff I've smoked in the UK just makes me feel a bit pukey.

Amyl Nitrate - gives me a 30 second buzz and a headach. May as well sniff glue as far as I can see.

Livestock-worming pills have pretty much the same effect as a shot of really good, strong espresso, only much longer lasting - plus they keep you free from intestinal parasites.

LC said...

Also, if anybody from Annie's school is reading - don't be a pussy, take drugs, they're brilliant.

Anne said...

Really helpful, thanks. Now, how can I find a good milkman?

Annie said...

Billy, you haven't lived til you've been chased by dogs whilst trespassing and off your face on mushrooms.

LC - Livestock worming pills??! We always knew you were an animal, but come on...

Oh, I hadn't even thought about the kids, more about the management. If I thought the kids were reading would have no hesitation in flushing this blog down the plughole of cyberspace.

A whole new level of anxiety and paranoia to add to blogging - thanks!

Anne, you're most welcome. That milkman should have got a medal for good customer service, surely?

LC said...

This stuff.