Monday, February 02, 2009


6.00 am text from head teacher: School is closed today.

I think I've dreamed it. Then I look out the window...

Been watching Scrubs in bed with toast & coffee. Bit bored now. You?


Timorous Beastie said...

Bored? I'm jealous. Tokyo's been too warm for winter. I even saw a daffodil today, and you know what that means...I've got to go to work.

Billy said...

Peep Show and cheese sandwiches for me.

Bowleserised said...

Going to the airport to realise that my flight was well and truly cancelled, slogging back to cancel/book more things and then having a hosiery binge to try and make myself feel better.

Rosie said...

in work.


the whales said...

Working at home watching it STILL snowing outside and listening to East European electronic music. What an odd day. Wondering if school will be shut again tomorrow. I suppose that's a bit too much to ask for...

Annie said...

Aw, TB - on the other hand, daffodils!! How fab. I got muddled up yesterday and was claiming it was Spring, I wish it was, still February to get through. Bah.

Billy, one of my friends can't watch Peep Show because it gives her motion sickness...

B, ooh, hosiery. What kind?

Sorry Rosie hon.

The Whales - hurrah! We are off tomorrow too apparently, the Head Of Children's Services has decreed it so.

Right, I'm off into the whiteness now... may be some time...

Del said...

Bloody teachers. I suppose it'll be half term soon, moan gnash wail.

Yes, I'm at work. Grumble.

Bowleserised said...

There's a place near here that does a warehouse sale of half-price Cronert tights, which are really good woolly ones. Which is the kind of thing you get excited about when it's -1 for four months.

Annie said...

Staying inside by fire. Which is what I've been doing every day anyway. I am also bored now.

Annie said...

Del, how did you get there? They've closed the tubes, haven't they?

B, it's the only thing I'd change about Berlin. Brrrrrr...

Annie, a fire is the best though. It's just not the same staring at a radiator.

Billy said...

I imagine I'll be back in work tomorrow. I went to the shop earlier and it was all slushy. Bah.

Taiga the Fox said...

Unfair! We've got lots of snow and today it's -12 C degrees cold and I can't stay at home. Well, back in 1987 (or maybe it was -86) we had -37 C degrees outside and the school windows were frozen from inside, but it didn't help and we had to go there and take a maths test, so maybe it's better I'm not complaining at all now.

EW said...

Bored???? Tut tut TUT!

(And you Annie!)

Only boring people get bored.


Great pics by the way

Annie said...

Taiga - -37 degrees???!!! It shouldn't be allowed! I can't believe they made you go to school.

Yes, the UK falls apart at the first little snowflake. *sigh*

Hi, EW! That's just what my stepmother used to say 'You're not bored, you're boring...' Are you perhaps related?