Friday, February 27, 2009

World Book Week

Say you had to dress up as a character from a children's book (thus making an arse of yourself in front of your colleagues and children who formerly thought of you as a figure of authority)
who would you choose?

(At the moment I'm thinking Max from Where the Wild Things Are. Now where can I get a wolf suit?)


Anonymous said...


I think you'd make a good Velveteen Rabbit.

Just get some ears! I might even have some..

Rosie said...

Hermohninny, surely?

(i can't spell or pronounce her name, but the curly-headed Harry Potter one. at least they'd know who you are.)

Bowleserised said...

Pippi Longstocking? Posy Fossil?

beth said...

Anne of Green Gables?

Arabella said...

Moomin Mama would be easy for me, not having been blessed with much in the way of chiseled cheekbones.

Can you get hold of a pair flannel 'all-in-ones' (long johns?)for a wolf suit?

kalimak said...

Arabella--great idea :-)

I'd choose Little Mi. Fits my character and my height, to some extent.

Anonymous said...

I think Super What-A-Mess would be fun, but no one I've mentioned him to has ever heard of him so maybe I made it up.

Del said...

Cruella De Vil. Heeheehee.

Anonymous said...

Bowleserised beat me to it, definitely Pippi Longstoking or Alice in Wonderland?

PS Emordino, I´ve heard of What-a-Mess, he was a hero, champion of many a messy bedroom!

Annie said...

I lOVE the Velveteen Rabbit, Sar, it's a great story.

Rosie, good point, I just have objections to Harry Bloody Potter.

B, I really want to do Pippy Longstocking and was wondering how I could make plaits that stick up. But a lot of the books that we all knew they've never heard of.

Hi, Beth. Aw, I loved Anne of Green Gables. The series was great too, wasn't it?

Arabella, the Moomins are amongst the best books ever written, never mind kid's books. I'm shaped a bit like a Moomin too. Good thinking on the long johns.

Misiula, are you pure mischief too? I have a feeling she was based on the author.

Emordino, What-A-Mess was great. He was an Afghan hound wasn't he, my aunt and uncle had one and I think they gave me the books.

Del, what are you saying? Good clothes for Cruella though. And I could dye my hair white and black.

Bowleserised said...

What about using pipecleaners to make the plaits stick up? Bit safer than coathangers.

Arabella said...

You can make stick-up plaits by getting a friend to braid your hair around a big pip-cleaner.
ooooooo Bowlesrised pipped me.

Rad said...

Marmalade Atkins!!!