Thursday, February 19, 2009

The internet: not just for porn

Things I must do:

Pay my electricity bill.
Pay my credit card.
Clean my flat.
Food shop.
Phone two friends who are long owed a phone call.
Post a parcel.
Go for a bracing walk in the outside world.

Things I have been doing:
Footling around on Flickr.
Watching The Turntable Kitteh.

Oh God, I make an absolutely rubbish grownup. There is no hope for me ever achieving anything now they've invented the internet. How much time is too much time at the computer, do you reckon? What is the longest time you've ever spent in one go?


Anonymous said...

I was off sick one day last week and I spent nine straight hours playing the original Half-Life. Not sure what my longest internetathon would be, although I recall spending the guts of four hours editing a Wikipedia article without noticing the time go by.

Annie said...

Tee hee! Four hours editing Wikipedia... Splendid. I feel much better now, Emordino.

LC said...

This sums it up for me.

Boz said...

I'm not like that at all. I'm not easily distra

Annie said...

LC - brilliant.

Boz - ha!

Annie said...


bedshaped said...

It's still very easy to lose hours messing around on the internet, but luckily the times of 'pulling an all-nighter' seem to have passed.

Anonymous said...

Turntable Kitteh is awesome, and has also been responsible for me wasting a few minutes over the last couple of days.

Del said...

You'll be back!

I actually dread to think. I once wrote about 9,000 words of university essays in one go. Drank 4 litres of Diet Coke while I was doing so, stayed up all night, went into uni, handed it in, went to the exam I also had that day, had a minor panic attack, got less than 20%, went to the pub, fell asleep sitting bolt upright, landlord told me to go home and sleep.

Those were good times.

patroclus said...

Not to worry Annie, soon we will all have augmented reality implants and the internet will simply be superimposed on the real world, so you can footle about on Flickr while enjoying a bracing walk in the real world.

And the sooner that day comes, the better.

Annie said...

Bedshaped, good to know it can get better with time, not worse.

The internet was invented for people to show off their kittehs, Matt.

Del, bravo! I remember those days. Why did we do it?

Patroclus, I met someone recently who was having a go about blogs being egotistical, mundane, boring, narcisstic, attention-seeking, waste of time & energy etc etc - I feel I did not adequately defend us. I wish you had been there.

Istvanski said...

Your reply to Patroclus was interesting.

"I feel I did not adequately defend us."

Perhaps what that person said about blogging was (to a point) true which means trying to defend the plight of the blog would've been a worthless exercise?

I'm not saying you're any of those descriptives but I do recognise some of those traits in myself.
Sad but true. Oh well.

Annie said...

Istvanski - yup, this person definitely hit a nerve.

Anonymous said...

Redtube cam