Sunday, September 14, 2008

Doing it standing up

So there I was walking around Columbia Road, on a beautiful sunny autumn day, contemplating buying some sunflowers (3 bunches a fiiiiiiver!) when suddenly, my back went TWANG! and I couldn't move. What could it be? I haven't been lifting heavy objects...

Then I remembered all those hours sitting at the computer in a posture which would give an osteopath nightmares, bent double as though I'm doing an imitation of a pretzel, on a foldaway chair which isn't really fit for purpose.... could be that had something to do with the sudden CHRONIC INTENSE MIDDLE BACK PAIN? Struggled home and spent the rest of the beautiful sunny day flat out on the bed, whimpering at the slightest move. Now I am blogging standing up.

You do it to yourself, and that's why it really hurts.


Quink said...

Freelancing for a year whilst laptopping on the sofa. That bent me double. Amazing what a desk will do...

Del said...

Nooo! Poor you. Hope you're feeling better! There is no question that I have something like this coming to me in the post. Plus I have the added bonus of being freakishly tall. Oy. Not good...

What you need is some drugs from the doctor. Drugs solve all.

Anonymous said...

Poor Annie - I know this pain. I sit for hours at desk and sometimes that happens to me. Guess better keep at the yoga... pilates??

David said...

Oohh ouch!

Cobra position yoga thingy!


Or a masseur...

Annie said...

Quink, one of my freelancer friends sits on one of those power balls to 'improve her core stability' whilst working. But then she's a freak.

Yes, drugs is what I need Del. And a lovely executive office chair with wheels. Let's go shopping!

Sar, only if you come with.

Greavsie, I shall assume the position.