Thursday, September 18, 2008


Horns, originally uploaded by Slaminsky.

Wholly out of inspiration. Bereft of ideas. Washed up and burnt out. So I'm posting this old photo, one of my very favourites I've ever taken.

London Town, you've got to love it.


GreatSheElephant said...

have you had a smackdown with your neighbour about the doggy yet?

Anonymous said...

I love that photo! I love the onlookers - they're so confused.

Anonymous said...

I'm bowled over by London's wonderfullity at the moment (he says, typing from his mum's garden somewhere in Hertfordshire), but don't think I want to spoil the wondrousness by moving back here. Getting a sniff of the place every so often is enough to maintain my adoration.

Anonymous said...

I thought the photo was from a TV play/episode and that the people in the background are from the same family - in fact that the woman in the cardi is Miriam Margolyes.

bedshaped said...

That can't possibly be London. The sun is clearly shining.

Annie said...

I have not smacked him down yet, GSE, as they have been miraculously quiet recently. Hurrah!

I love them too Sar - they look confused, yet only mildly confused, which is very London.

Lovely to see you, dear BiB - I salute you!

Arabella, Miriam Margolyes would play me in my life story.

Bedshaped, how dare you sir! We had a full 15 minutes of sunshine this past week!

Anonymous said...

Darling, the pleasure was, as ever, all mine. Are you sure about Ms. Margolyes playing you? I like her 'n all but when I once sat next to her on the tube, which was thrilling enough, I was an incy-wincy bit perturbed by the quite lively conversation she conducted with herself throughout. She was wearing lovely colourful clothes, mind.

Annie said...

It's like looking into a crystal ball at my future...