Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Orphanage

Neuroscience can tell you the what and the how, but not really the why. If they'd hooked us up to sophisticated machines last night, and monitored our heartbeats and our brain activity, they would have seen our fear sensors lit right up, and imagined a fight-or-flight, threat-of-death scenario, whereas in fact we were watching a horror movie voluntarily, for fun.

Still, watching horror whilst cuddled between two of your close friends on a big double bed (with blanket to hide under when it got too much) on a big beautiful Sony screen is the best horror film experience I've ever had. Thanks for that P.

Anyway, the long and the short of it: Laura returns to the orphanage where she grew up, along with her husband and little boy, planning to open it as a home for disabled children, when her little boy starts talking about his 5 imaginary friends, shortly before he disappears... It really is excellently spooky and atmospheric, (set in an old house in Asturias, half the time we we saying things like 'ooh nice stained glass windows' and the other half hiding under the covers.) It turned the screws right the way through, until it came to a truly terrible, ironic ending with a commonsense explanation (still leaving it vague enough to give you chills.) One of those films you keep thinking about, teasing out the twists and turns of the story after you've watched it. 5 spine-chills out of 5.

The short review:

Don't go into the cellar!


GreatSheElephant said...

Yup, the ending was truly awful - left me thinking about it for days afterwards.

Del said...

The breathing...

"Hurrrrghh uh hurrrrrgh uh...."

Great movie! Did you think the ending was terrible tragic or terrible bad? I rather liked it.

Taiga the Fox said...

I couldn't sleep after watching that movie and kept thinking about the ending for days. Just purely hideously horribly awfully scary, but good.

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite endings. I'm twisted like that though.

Annie said...

Terrible tragic Del - it was so SAD when she realised what had happened.

Taiga, I was okay when the sun was out in the daytime but last night I had to hide under the covers again.

Billy, none of us saw it coming, which was very clever of the film...

Annie said...

Weren't the masks at the party scary?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree terribly tragic ending and the masks, they were just asking for trouble!! Will be happy to provide one half of the bookend for horror film cuddling and hiding again in the future!

Annie said...

Thanks Em. I was going to post a picture of his mask here, but then I'd be too scared to visit my blog.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen it or heard of it but have got the willies just reading this and I'm home alone. Might have to close all the doors.

Annie said...

Never watch it alone!

Del said...

It wasn't *that* scary. It was more eerie. The Ring was proper scary. Couldn't sleep after that.